Mortice and Tenon 101 (June 8th) through Plane Wellness

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This Class is now avalable through Plane Wellness here:

In the Mortice and Tenon 101 class will be focusing on making your first Mortice and tenon joints. In this 3-4 class, we will be covering the simple through mortice and tenon, and and then modifying it into a tusked tenon. And if time permits, we will make another stopped M&T. This class will be geared toward the first-time M&T joint and will include step-by-step guidance at the speed of the class.

On June 8th, we will begin at 9 a.m. CST and finish between Noon and 1 p.m. For those attending in person, we may go and get lunch after the class.

For those attending person, you will receive an invite to the Rockford, IL shop soon after registration.

For those attending virtually, we will send out the Zoom link the day before the class. The class will be sent with several video feeds, so the online students can choose the camera angle they want to see. We will attempt to record the class, and if possible, all students will get access to the recording.

Required Tools: Tenon saw, Bench chisel set, Marking Knife, Square 4-6", Marking gauge, Brace (or drill), auger bit set, Bench With Vice

Optional tools: Carccus saw, shoulder or rabbet plane, morticing gauge, file set.

Lumber needed:

two pieces of wood 3/4" X 3 1/2" X 12"

one piece of 1 1/2” X 1 1/2” X 12”

and one piece 3/4” X 2” X 6”

All hardwood lumber sticks of your choice. We will be using poplar in the shop. This will provided for in-person students.

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