#38: Special Guests Evan & Katelyn, The Couple That Makes Together!

#38: Special Guests Evan & Katelyn, The Couple That Makes Together!
Johnny Brooke
Creators collective.jpg

In this episode, Johnny and James talk with special guests Evan and Katelyn from the Evan & Katelyn YouTube channel. This Texas-based couple produces unique DIY projects using simple tools and interesting techniques like 3D printing. Enjoy!

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Patreon is a platform that allows you, the listener, to provide monthly support for the show in exchange for rewards! Our Patreon page has tons of support levels for $2 to $40, and our rewards include a weekly After Show, monthly hangouts, and more. Our top patron this week is Make Build Modify, and we'd like to welcome our new patrons: Matt Williams and Darren Mattes!

What are we working on?

  • Johnny: Published DIY floating shelves, working on collab with Seth’s Bike Hacks
  • James: The bench. And a new wall in the shop
  • Evan and Katelyn: walnut quick connects, refillable tea light candle holder, collab with Sean Hogan, Garage AC + 3d printed back draft prevention damper

Show Topic: Special Guests Evan & Katelyn

  • Nelsoncrafttx: If you had to choose 1 YouTuber that you would say got you interested in creating videos, who would it be?
  • bryceroebe: which tool or technique are you afraid to try, and why?
  • prewittcustomcreations: what materials have you not worked with yet that you are wanting to?
  • WillWorkForTools: do you have any best practices or advice to balancing a new startup YouTube channel while working full-time.
  • The Cutting Bore: doing it part time for me has been a hell of a hustle outside of my full time job. How are you guys managing it day to day?
  • WillWorkForTools: you seem somewhat unique in the YouTube maker space where you're making videos but also selling some of your projects. Would you mind discussing the strategy

What’s new/what are we watching/reading?

Favorite tool/product this week?


#39: Pricing Your Work, Soundproofing Your Shop & Keeping It Clean


#37: Special Guest Mike Montgomery of Modern Builds