Bringing Back the Bite: Repairing a Chipped Chisel
You know the feeling in your stomach when your favorite chisel decides to take a nosedive onto the concrete floor. We've all been there—that sickening thunk and the dread that follows as you inspect the poor thing. A mangled edge, a chipped point – it's enough to make any woodworker sigh. But fear not, there's life after a drop!
Hand Tools vs. Power Tools: How to Choose?
I do own power tools but… here is my reason for hand tools Vs. Power tools
How to Carve a Spoon With Just Hand Tools
Spoon carving is an art as old as stone tools. Carving a spoon can be a meditative job that allows you to take a block of wood and end up with a piece of art that is also a functional kitchen utensil. This spoon is made from walnut and can be made in just a couple hours with basic tools.
How To Make A Try Square | Beginner Woodworking Project
Making a Try Square is an incredibly simple project, even though it requires a high amount of precision. When first starting off in woodworking, often, some of the best projects are tools for your own shop. A Try Square is one of the simplest tools that can be used for the rest of your life. Along the way, we will learn how to make a bridle joint and how to adjust the Try Square as it will move over time. Put your worries behind you and feel free to jump in and make your very own try Square.
Making A Carved Box From Firewood
When starting out in woodworking, most people are looking for a cheap source of lumber. Firewood is actually a fantastic source of lumber as it is riven and that will provide a much more stable piece of wood. A lot of the projects that people will work on are small enough to come out of a piece of firewood.
Making a Bird Feeder for Mother’s Day With the Kids
A bird feeder, what better present to make for Mother's Day with the kids. This is a simple project that can be made in an afternoon with the kids helping out and learning about different tools in the shop. With a very basic set of chisel, hand plane, drill and saw anyone can make a bird feeder. Not only will mom love something that the kids made, but the kids will have a good time in the shop and learn about tools.
What is the Best Wood Glue
What is the best Wood glue? This wasn't the question that started this test off, but it soon became the goal of the whole test. Initially, I just wanted to know is there any benefit to using dry High glue over one of the liquid choices? but since I'm already doing a glue test I might as well throw in a couple of the PVAs and see how those do, and in that case I might as well test epoxy, and the list began to grow from there. In there end there was a total 32 glues pitted against each other
Making Interlocking Coasters
I was asked by a friend to make coasters sometime ago on the channel and figured this would be a good opportunity. I don't like making coasters that have to go into a little box as the box itself serves little point other than holding the coasters and that seems counterproductive. I wanted to make some coasters that would hold themselves together but still look like just a stack of coasters.
How to Make Kid Safe Glue From Milk
Casein glue is glue made from the protein in milk. It is a very simple and quick glue to make and because it comes from milk it is non-toxic, safe and fun for kids in projects and woodworking.